Cryotherapy or Whole Body Cryotherapy (WBC), is a process first utilized in Japan in 1978 where the body is exposed to ultra-low temperatures that range between -200°F and -256 °F as an alternative to ice packs and ice baths.
Clients who have undergone our Whole-Body Cryotherapy say they experience a multitude of benefits, including "feeling rejuvenated", “a feeling of wellbeing” “improvement in athletic performance” and having more energy”

Our cellulite freezing treatment focuses in one area. Cellulite is the herniation of subcutaneous fat within fibrous connective tissue that manifests topographically as skin dimpling and nodularity, often on the pelvic region, lower limbs, and abdomen. Cellulite Freezing is a 30 minute treatment (per area) and causes fat cells to disintegrate, resulting in tightening and 'shrinking' of body areas. Cellulite Freezing is most commonly applied to legs and hips.
Add Compression Therapy to optimize the results by removing water accumulation.